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Project Description


Theme and Story:
Welcome to the Animal Maze! The baby animals want to play hide and seek with you today.  They will all be randomly hidden inside the brick maze, hiding behind various trees.  Use the mouse and keys to look and walk all around, they could be hidden anywhere.  You better find them all before the time runs out or you will lose and the animals will be very sad and give you no confetti!

​Current List of Technical Features:
1. Shadow Mapping:

The shadows are made with a Shadow Mapping technique and placed using GLSL shader.

2. ​Particle System:

It has been implemented with random colors and slow velocity to resemble confetti.​

3. L-System (plant)

​The trees are recursively generated using the L-System technique and randomly positioned in the maze.​

4. Procedural Terrain (maze)​

Our maze has been created using Procedural Modeling. The structure is first build using depth first search technique with randomness which is then translated in to 3D walls.

5. Collision Detection (walls-only)

This was implemented to avoid the player cheating by walking through the walls.​​





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